Founder’s Circle Trip: Day 3, Kanab

Today’s activities at the Founder’s Circle Retreat included one of my favorite treats: visiting the Stampin’ Up! manufacturing facitilty in Kanab, Utah. We had a chance to tour the facility and try our hand at actually making the stamp sets ourselves, all the way from the huge ovens that ‘bake’ the rubber into the stamp shapes, to the machines that die-cut the stamp images, all the way to packing the wood blocks and sticker sheets into the little plastic boxes that we all know and love!

Sorry, no pictures of that part… it’s all top secret ;-)

We did get to take pictures when we toured Shelli’s beautifully decorated apartment at the manufacturing facility — here’s one of Shelli and I!

After our visit to the Kanab plant, we headed over to a local park for lunches–not ‘box’ lunches, but ‘pail’ lunches, packed in a cute metal pail! I can only begin to imagine how I’m going to decorate this tin once I return home.

This particular park in Kanab is unique, because instead of the traditional woodchips that line the ground under the slides and climbing equipment, the ground here is covered with little ground up rubber scraps, leftover from the production process of making, yup, you guessed it, STAMPS! So not only can you sit there in the rubber, surrounded by ex-stamp sets, but you can also rummage through the rubber to find little pieces of stamp sets that we know and love. Actually, I found the word “Love” right there on the ground, straight from the retired Word By Word stamp set!

Finally, after a fabulous dinner at a restaurant where we got to cook our own steaks on lava rocks, we had the pajama party swap (125 new card ideas!!) and our Business Share get-together.

And after returning to the room, I found my Pillow Gift for the night–a very cute pair of gardening boots! I almost hesitate to say that I hope it rains a lot this fall so I have many opportunities to wear them at home ;-) In case you haven’t noticed, the theme for this year’s Founder’s Circle Retreat is ‘blooming’, so these boots fit right in!




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