Usually the UPS guy here doesn’t ring the doorbell — he knows that Tucker’s a baby and that he’s often napping… so you can imagine that I was surprised to hear my doorbell ring this morning!
Of course I rushed to the door (what mom who spends most of the day home with small children isn’t excited to have a visitor?). I saw the big brown truck pulling away and found a little envelope on my porch.
Oh, the suspense! Something about a package that ships 2nd day air is just exciting… so of course I ripped it open, and this is what I found: a lovely leather travel document case with a beautiful Pink Pirouette bow wrapped around it, and an elegant Pink Pirouette luggage tag with the 2008 Founder’s Circle logo!
At Convention this year I was honored to be among the top 100 demonstrators in Stampin’ Up! (#31 actually–yay!) and so I was invited to attend the Founder’s Circle retreat to St. George, Utah. I’m really excited about the trip and I’m looking forward to getting together with many of my demonstrator friends, plus meeting new friends!
Now I just need to get to work on those 145 Christmas swap cards that I need to have done before September 17th… anyone want to come over and help me? ;-) You can have the first look through the swaps I receive!!