Who Wants NEW Designer Series Papers? Announcing the LovenStamps Annual Catalog DSP & Card Base Share

dsp share 2022-2023 annual catalog

Each new catalog brings a host of gorgeous new papers.  Which one to get first? Eek!! The decisions are endless! 

But what if you didn’t have to choose? What if you got ALL the 84 new papers – a chance to see them ALL in person – at a fraction of the cost of purchasing full packages?

That’s what you’ll get when you sign up for my 2022-2023 Annual Catalog Catalog Paper Share!

A common comment I hear from stampers: “But Meg, I have so much paper that I’m not using!” I can help you with that, too. My paper share will save you time, money AND you’ll use what you get. Because with each piece of Designer Series Paper, you’ll receive a coordinating cardstock card base, for Ready To Stamp cards. 

Just fold your Ready To Stamp card base in half, trim your 6″ x 6″ DSP to 4″ x 5 1/4″ and voila – the perfect card, ready for layering your stamped images. You can even include the DSP strips left over as part of your design. No more piles of DSP that you’re not using – no more searching for a matching card base. 

Share spaces are limited, so be sure to sign up early. Want more than ‘just a little’ of the new papers? Then sign up for a DOUBLE share. You’ll receive papers cut to 6″ x 12″ to maximize your crafting choices, plus full sheets of coordinating cardstock for your flexibility.

The share closes on May 3 or when spots are filled – so be sure to sign up right away! Your share spot is only confirmed when payment is received.

LovenStamps Designer Series Paper Share, $47 + Priority Shipping

Get a 6 x 6″ piece of all new Designer Series Papers in the 2022-2023 Mini Catalog – Single or Double shares available – includes the following papers:

Six 6×6″ Sheets of each the following Designer Series Papers (60 papers) and Six 5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″  Coordinating Ready-To-Stamp Card Bases for each (60 card bases):

  • Abigail Rose Designer Series Paper
  • Awash In Beauty Designer Series Paper
  • He’s The Man Specialty Designer Series Paper (with selection of die cuts in place of 1 sheet)
  • Happy Forest Friends Designer Series Paper
  • Hues of Happiness Designer Series Paper
  • Lovely in Linen Designer Series Paper
  • Perfectly Penciled Specialty Designer Series Paper
  • Pretty Prints Designer Series Paper
  • Sun Prints Designer Series Paper
  • Texture Chic Specialty Designer Series Paper

Twelve 6×6″ Sheets of each the following Designer Series Papers (24 papers) and Twelve 5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″  Coordinating Ready-To-Stamp Card Bases for each (24 card bases):

  • Butterfly Kisses Designer Series Paper
  • Tea Boutique Designer Series Paper

OPTION – Best Value Embellishment Add-On (with bonus DSP gift), Add $41:

Get a half package of Meg’s Favorite 9 Embellishment Picks from the new Catalog – AND receive an extra 6×6 DSP package from Stampin’ Up!’s past collections:

Half Package of each the following NEW Embellishments:

  • 2022-2024 In Color Matte Dots
  • Fun Flowers Resin Shapes
  • Flowers Trinkets
  • 2021-2023 In Color Opal Rounds
  • Solid Faceted Gems
  • Rustic Metallic Adhesive-Backed Dots
  • Heart Pearls
  • Glossy Dots Assortment

AND when you include the Embellishment Add-On option, you’ll receive an exclusive 6×6 DSP bonus gift

To participate in a share, fill out the form below or send me an email with your request. When shares are full, I’ll send a PayPal invoice for your total (either the single share – $47 with $8 Priority Mail shipping or include the optional Add-On Embellishment Bonus (adds $41)).

  • Your share is confirmed when payment is received — do not delay, as I need your payment by May 3.
  • Sign ups end on May 3 or when share are full. On May 3, I’ll place the orders for papers. Please allow until around May 20 for delivery, so that I can order, cut and package your new papers.
  • More good news – a single Paper Share will earn you 1 LovenStamps Perks Point. Selecting the Embellishment Add-On will qualify you for 2 Perks Points and May Card Kits “To Go”, too!
  • While I hope the shares will happen exactly as pictured above, occasionally a product goes out of stock. If there is a supply issue, I’ll substitute with a new item of equal value.
  • Available only to US customers

You’re going to LOVE these pretty papers – and I’m excited to help you see them in person!

Note – if you have trouble with the form entry, you can also sign up for the share by sending me an email (Meg@LovenStamps.com — note that you’ll need to retype the email instead of copy/paste) with the following:

  • name
  • mailing address
  • choice of a DSP only Share or DSP with the optional Embellishment/SAB DSP Add-On

PayPal invoices will follow! Also note – if you haven’t received your PayPal invoice, and you filled out the form already, please drop me an email. Technology is great…but sometimes it’s not 😉 

Happy Stamping!

To Order Stampin’ Up! Products On-Line 24/7, CLICK HERE!

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