Summer Adventures – Here, There and Everywhere

Decorating ideas for Hometown Nazareth VBS #hometownnazareth at LovenStamps

Wondering where I’ve been during June? Or at least why I haven’t been posting? This week has been our church’s Vacation Bible School. Here are some of our past decorations, but this year’s theme is Hometown Nazareth. You might even recognize the red awning booth and the “house” from our past years…great to recycle those decorations with just a little bit of paint! We had a terrific week of sessions and even had special guest stars come last night to top off our week – sheep! (Thanks so much, Vickie, Fran and Kimmie!)

And the week before that… I had the privilege of serving as a chaperone for my daughter’s junior high/high school youth group trip. We went to an amazing camp in Baraboo, Wisconsin and had a week free of electronics (I know!!). We went rock climbing, canoeing, caving and did a high ropes course. All fabulous adventures, thanks to Expeditions Unlimited.

Want to see some pictures?

But never fear – I have a series of posts ready to come your way with a variety of new catalog projects.  There are so many fun new products!  So many that it’s hard to decide where to begin :)

Happy Stamping!

lovensiggyTo Order Stampin’ Up! Products On-Line 24/7, CLICK HERE!


Build A Birthday Stamps in the Mail Club kit - request yours at LovenStamps, all supplies Stampin' Up!Stamps in the Mail Club with Meg

Sign up today for your June Kit!

Includes the Build A Birthday stamp set, two Ink Pads, plus supplies for making 4 fabulous projects!

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