Stampin’ Family: Spring Into Stamping Gathering

lovenstamps spring into stamping 201503

This past weekend was one of my favorites of the whole year: two of my favorite events overlapped and combined to make a fabulous couple of days! One full day of Stampin’ Up! demonstrator event and two and a half days of ice skating… wait, how many days are there in a single weekend??  But never fear, each occasion was special and wonderful.

My daughter’s ice skating show was held this weekend and I loved seeing all her hard work pay off in her performances.  She skated in several numbers with her synchro team and fellow skaters, as well as a duet with another skating friend.  For their duet the girls skated to an upbeat ice cream song (Ice Cream Freeze, from Hannah Montana) so of course they needed an ice cream truck! 


Another dad created the truck last year as a postal truck (last year the girls were mail delivery girls) so this year I made it over into an ice cream truck.  Hooray for My Digital Studio! (Which reminds me – if you haven’t seen the announcement about MDS going away, be sure to read this post on and the associated comments – very helpful!)


Our other fun event of the weekend was the 10th Annual Spring Into Stamping!!  This all-day event (with leadership events and a shoebox swap on Friday night) is a chance for our team of demonstrators to gather and share ideas, learn from each other and be wonderfully inspired!  Our team members come from all over the midwest – and a few from even further, since it’s worth the trip!  Stampers are always up for a road trip, right?

There was lots of hugging (long time, no see!), lots of picture-taking (incredible demonstrations) and lots of laughter (ever played Stampin’ Up! Jeopardy??).

If you’ve ever thought about joining my Stampin’ Up! team, right now is always a great time.  We are getting ready (TOMORROW’S the day!) to register for this summer’s Stampin’ Up! Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah.  We always have a good time when we gather as demonstrators.  And I’d love to have you join the fun with us!

Happy Stamping!

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Stamps in the Mail Club with Meg

Sign up today for your May Kit!

Includes the Kinda Eclectic stamp set, two Ink Pads, plus supplies for making 4 fabulous projects!

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2 thoughts on “Stampin’ Family: Spring Into Stamping Gathering”

    • I thought you looked like you just heard the secret of the stamping universe from Glenda :) Made me smile! So…what’s the secret??

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