Spring Break Treks: American Girl Place

What’s a Spring Break weekend in Chicago without a trip to the American Girl Doll store?  This was our first visit, and I had to put together a quick scrapbook page.

One of the highlights of our visits was a trip to the Doll Salon, for a quick clean & style for Kersten.  Can you tell how much we loved it?


This layout is actually from a template included with one of the newer My Digital Studio digital downloads.  Don’t you love it?  Perfect for a girl-y photo layout of any occasion.

The digital ‘stamps’ are from the Style Beautiful stamp set (see it online).  When you order the digital stamp set online and use the auto-install to add it to your My Digital Studio program, this 12 x 12″ scrapbooking template comes along with the stamp set as a free bonus!

I’m getting ready to teach a My Digital Studio class this weekend in Ohio at a demonstrator retreat.  And next weekend I’ll be teaching a different My Digital Studio class at our annual Spring Into Stamping demonstrator training event!

There are many exciting My Digital Studio opportunities, for demonstrators and customers alike.  If you’d like more information on the reduced-price Digital + Demonstrator Starter Kit, be sure to check my website and order before March 31st!

Happy Stamping!

To Order Stampin’ Up! Products On-Line 24/7, CLICK HERE!



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