According to the new, we’re supposed to stay home today. I guess that means we’re force to stamp, right? I mean, what else would there be to do? Certainly a magic FREE day shouldn’t be spent doing laundry or dishes! (leave me a comment if you agree :-)
If we can’t go out, and the UPS man isn’t going to deliver a box of NEW supplies today, then we’ll have to use what we have at home.
You probably have Ink Refill bottles, plus stamps, plus a piece of old felt lying around, right? Here’s what you can do today!
The technique here is a lot of fun, and perfect for stamps with a lot of rubber: silhouettes or other large surface area images.
- Ink your stamp with a light color of ink and stamp directly onto a piece of felt from the craft store.
- Use your Ink Refill bottles (here Cajun Craze, More Mustard and Old Olive) to fill in the stamped image on the felt. (Optional: place your felt piece on a tumbled marble tile — this will help hold the ink in place and prevent muddying of colors with repeated use)
- Press your stamp onto your new ink pad to ink it, then stamp on card stock as normal.
This technique is perfect when you want to use a stamp that you’d normally color with markers, except that you need to stamp a LOT of them. I used the Felt Pad technique here for my calendars this year, since I usually make about 500 of them. That would have been a lot of markers!
I sent these to my stamping customers from last year, plus all the demonstrators in our LovenStampfuls team. Actually, that reminds me to tell you… the Demonstrator Starter Kit is ALWAYS a great bargain! You can get about $375 in Stampin’ Up! supplies for only $175… plus a discount on your own orders… hard to beat that deal!
If you are one of my customers or if you don’t have a local demonstrator that you work with, I’d be happy to talk to you more about the opportunity to be a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator (learn more on my website).
There’s another fun thing to do on a Snow Day… sign up to be part of the Stampin’ Up! family :-) You can actually sign up right online through my website!
In theory, I completely agree that a free day should be spent stamping. Valentine’s Day IS just around the corner. Unfortunately, two plus hours spent on back-breaking snow removal, waiting for the city plow to come through the alley, and then another hour spent clearing the original snow in front of my garage plus the 15 inches added by the plow kinda killed my mojo. C’mon, Mother Nature, work with me here!
@Chellie – Eek! We actually fell into a hole in the snow/ice storm where we didn’t get a whole ton of snow. Maybe 8 inches? And our snowplow driver is usually nice enough to try to avoid piling it in our driveway… not sure how he does it though. Snowplow magic? Maybe he can teach your guy!