Designer Series Paper Flowers by Becky

My friend Becky did these fabulous paper flowers, similar to the ones on page 9 of the Occasions Mini Catalog.


090521dspflowers2For the fringe flowers: to begin, she started with four strips of 2″ x 12″ Designer Series Paper (good thing the DSP is on sale in May!) Becky cut the strips along one side for the ‘petals’, then rolled each one around a bamboo skewer with Sticky Strip to adhere them. She folded back the fringe from the last 2 strips to create the outside petals.

090521dspflowers1For the petal flowers: she cut Designer Series Paper into freehand petal shapes, and attached after 2 strips of the 2″ x 12″ fringed paper.

Shown here are flowers created with the Washington Apple and Bella Rose Designer Series Paper.


And the best part?
They never need watering! :-)



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