Christmastime Is Here…Wait, Isn’t It November?

christmastime is here christmas roses stampin up When did it even get to be November? Time flies at this point in the calendar each year, and getting ready for Christmas cards is an activity that can never happen too early – at least in my book! To help you create amazing cards this holiday season, Stampin’ Up! has come out with a bonus suite of products – the Christmastime Is Here Suite!

christmastime is here christmas roses stampin up

christmastime is here christmas roses stampin up

Check out all that this new suite has to offer:

lovenstamps free stampin up tutorials christmastime is here

And to help you make the most of this gorgeous suite, I’m sharing project tutorials that feature JUST the limited set of supplies shown below, so that you can choose to make any of the 14 projects included – with the limited shopping list.

If you order the Christmas Rose stamp set and coordinating Roses Dies from me, this tutorial bundle is my BONUS perk to you! You’ll also still qualify for LovenStamps Perks Points (new this month) and LovenStamps Card Tutorials and Card Kits “To Go” depending on your order total.

Plus I’ve got some extra projects that I’ll be sharing here on my blog – so don’t miss the chance to add this limited-time stamp set (while supplies last) to your Christmas card supplies!

PS – it’s not just for Christmas – the flowers are gorgeous and you’ll be able to change up the colors to use them any time of the year.

Ready to stamp? Here are the supplies you’ll need to create the cards as shown in my PDF tutorials – plus my bonus project from this blog post! Order through my online store and be sure to use the November Hostess Code BJFVW4F4 for LovenStamps Perks Points.

Product List (click on the items to add these to your cart or shop with one click):

Happy Stamping!

lovensiggyTo Order Stampin’ Up! Products On-Line 24/7, CLICK HERE!



stampin up holiday catalogShop the Stampin’ Up! Holiday Catalog, online 24-7!

  • Want a little? Place an order!
  • When you order: use November Hostess Code (BJFVW4F4). Earn 1 LovenStamps Perks Point for every $25 you order online, plus LovenStamps Card Kits “To Go” with an order of $50 or more!
  • Want a lot? Host a party – or be your own hostess with a large online order! (Stampin’ Rewards begin at $150 in orders)
  • Want it ALL? Join my LovenStampfuls demonstrator family!


lovenstamps free stampin up tutorials christmastime is hereSpecial: Christmastime Is Here Tutorial Offer

  • Ideas & inspiration at your fingertips – any time you want!
  • Qualify to get this tutorial bundle for FREE by ordering the Christmastime Is Here stamp set & coordinating dies.
  • All projects feature the Christmastime Is Here stamp set and coordinating dies, plus products from the Christmastime Is Here Suite. Check the shopping list for the items you’ll need to complete projects in the tutorial!


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